Carved Tactile Sculptures
For Two Temple Place
Between 2023 & 2024 i worked with Two Temple Place to create a series of wood carved handling objects to encourage engagement with the buildings historic interiours. Two Temple Place is a Neo Gothic mansion built in the 1890s, in the present day it hosts a busy year-round programme of community and cultural activities. The first object was an Oak touch panel inspired by the carvings that run along the entire landing of Two Temple place. They felt like the right inspiration point as the swirling motifs lend themselves to tactility.
Next i created two handling objects made form oak & cedar which are two of the main woods that run through the building. The works can exist separately or together, with the cedar base acting as a support for the swirling oak form.
Venus in Camouflage, 2023. Craved oak. For Two temple place
Handling Objects for Two Temple Place. 2024. Oak & Cedar